// Retirement

Enjoy retirement – You’ve earned it!

There is life after work! So now is the time to start planning how and when you want to enjoy it. A world tour, a holiday home, a round of golf, helping the kids – the bucket list is endless. Or maybe you don’t want to retire but would like to reduce the hours you work while keeping the same amount of take home pay.

  • How much is enough and what level of income do you need once you stop working?
  • What kind of lifestyle do you envisage for yourself?
  • Will you need care and support?

These are just a few of the questions we help you answer.

Transition to retirement.

If you have reached your preservation age, you may be able to use your super to spend more time enjoying life without reducing your income.

Retirement income.

Talk to us about your retirement goals and we can give you the heads up on what you need to do to get there.


Based on your assets and income, we can work out what benefits and assistance you are entitled to.

Aged care.

Aged care is a complex area so let us give you a hand to sort out what your options are from accommodation fees, tax structuring, wills and powers of attorney.